# Two Key Elements of AI Go back to the [[Main AI Page]] See the [[Week 1 - Introduction]] AI contents page #AIBusinessCase ## Componentry - A unified, modern data fabric. - Data must be prepared for the AI to use. - Logical representation of all data assets. - A development environment and engine. - A place to build, train, and run AI models. - End-to-end, input-to-output. - models help find patterns and strctures in data that are inferred rather than explicit. - Human features - HUman features. - UI/UX attached to the AI's IO with features like voice, language, vision, and reasoning. - AI management and exploitation. - Enables you to insert AI into any application or business process. - Make sure you can test, bench-test, improve, check what has changed, and measure variance. - This is how you manage AI lifecycle, proof, and explain-ability of decisions. ## Process - Identify the Right Business Opportunities for AI. - Customer service (chatbots) - Employee/company productivity << Reference for Proposal - Manufacturing defects - supply chain spending - If it can be described >> It can be programmed >> Ai can make it better - Prepare the Organization for AI. - [[The AI Job Replacement Axiom]] - All technology is useless without the talent to put it to use - Repetitive and manual tasks will be automated - Select Technology & Partners. - Corporate culure should drive the choice of AI technology mix. - Adopt many technologies and learn which ones work and which ones don't. - Pick and handful of partners that have the skills and tech to get the job done. - Accept Failures. - [[AI's Ratchet effect]] - If you try 100 AI projects, 50 will probably fail. - But, the 50 that work will be more than compensate for the failures. - The culture you create must be ready and willing accept failures, learn from them, and move onto the next. - Fail-fast, as they say.